Life & Death Coaching
with Dr. Devin Guthrie
The Sliding Scale

At the beginning of your first life or death coaching session, you'll tell me how much you can afford to pay. I won't negotiate or ask you to explain. Our coaching relationship is built on trust.​​
This page is your guide for how much to pay.
For both life and death coaching, I offer a sliding scale with three tiers based off financial need and personal hardship. Tier 3 is the standard rate, and Tier 1 is the minimum I can accept*.
If you pay at Tier 3, you are fully supporting me and my ability to continue offering coaching services to people who couldn't otherwise afford them.
If you pay at Tier 2 or Tier 1, you are allowing other clients to support you.
You can choose to pay anywhere between Tier 3 and Tier 1. What fits your needs and circumstances?
Consider paying less if…
Paying the standard rate would threaten your ability to meet your and your loved ones’ basic needs. (See The Green Bottle graphic below).
You experience discrimination or violence related to being a person of color, LGBTQ+, disabled, neurodivergent, or another marginalized identity.​​
Consider paying more if you…
Will be able to comfortably meet your basic needs while paying the standard rate. (See The Green Bottle graphic below).
Have investments, property, savings, and/or resources in times of need.
Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to education, gender, race, class background, or other factors (even if you are not currently exercising your earning power because you volunteer or work part time).
Want to empower me to help people who otherwise would not have access to my services.
Think about your personal situation and what you can afford. If you're not sure about how much you should pay, we can talk about it by phone, email, or at the beginning of your first session.
*I also take one pro-bono life coaching client at a time for up to four sessions. If you think I can help you and you can't afford the Tier 1 rate, call or email me to see if I have a pro-bono space available.