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My Story

Like many who feel called to help heal, my journey began with a wound: chronic pain. Starting as a teen, when most people’s attention is taken up trying to make it through the day, my pain demanded I dig beneath the surface to find a reason to live. The meaning I chose was meaning itself: What makes life meaningful and how can I help people live meaningful lives?


Years later, as a Clinical Psychology PhD student, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy gave me the tools I needed to do more than just have a life’s purpose worth suffering for. I finally stopped suffering and started to enjoy life, even though I still had chronic pain.


Now, as a Life & Death Coach, it’s my turn to help you. Whether your pain is physical, mental, or existential, I want to help you stop suffering and start living.


My Approach

I graduated from Texas A&M University's Clinical Psychology program with a 

Master's degree. Then, I completed my PhD in Personality Psychology with a

research focus on Existential Psychology. I'm trained to practice:


  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Existential-humanistic therapy

  • Somatic-experiencing therapy

  • Narrative therapy

  • Emotion-focused therapy

  • Functional-analytic psychotherapy

  • Modern psychoanalytic therapy

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy


​My experience as a therapist forms the foundation of my life and death coaching. While my focus has shifted from treating mental illnesses to transforming and enriching people’s lives as a whole, my approach remains grounded in evidence-based best practices for mental health professionals. 


I specialize in working with clients who are:

  • Disabled/chronically ill

  • Neurodivergent


  • Religious minorities

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Research focus:

  • What makes life meaningful in spite of the inevitability of death (or, as I’ve come to see it, how the inevitability of death makes life meaningful)


​Publications on:

  • Treating death anxiety, eco-anxiety, and chronic pain

  • Promoting meaning in life, authenticity, purpose, existential mattering, and appreciation of everyday life

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